Alabama State Bar

The Alabama State Bar has jurisdiction over the conduct of all attorneys and is charged with stimulating interest in improving the administration of justice. Its Board of Commissioners provides for the examinination of applicants who seek to practice law. The Alabama State Bar is the licensing and regulatory agency for attorneys in the State of Alabama, subject to Rules of the Alabama Supreme Court.
Board of Bar Commissioners
The affairs of the Alabama State Bar are administered by a Board of Commissioners which is composed of at least one elected representative from each judicial circuit in Alabama. One additional Commissioner is elected for each 300 members of the State Bar in a circuit who maintain their principal office in the circuit as of March of each year, subject to the requirement that no circuit is entitled to more than ten Commissioners. For purposes of electing Commissioners, the Tenth Judicial Circuit excludes the portion of the circuit known as the ""Bessemer Cut-Off,"" which is treated as a separate circuit. The President and President-elect of the Alabama State Bar are ex officio President and President-elect of the Board of Bar Commissioners. The President-elect is elected annually by secret ballot delivered or mailed to the State Bar headquarters at a date designated by the Board of Bar Commissioners.
The President-elect succeeds to the Presidency at the end of the annual meeting at which the term of the President expires. Annual Meetings of the Board of Commissioners are held following the annual meetings of the State Bar, at which time a Vice President is elected by the board from its current membership. Special meetings may be called by the President. Commissioners serve three-year terms of office, subject to the requirement that no person may serve more than three consecutive terms. The Board of Commissioners may delegate such power as it deems appropriate to an executive council composed of the President, President-elect, Vice President, Immediate Past-president, and three Commissioners elected by the Board of Bar Commissioners. Commissioners receive no compensation other than expenses as provided by law. No quorum is specified by law except in the case of disciplinary proceedings, where a majority of Commissioners constitutes a quorum.
The Board of Bar Commissioners adopts policies pertaining to the operation of the Alabama State Bar. Pursuant to legislative authority, with approval of the Supreme Court, it prescribes rules concerning admission to the Bar. In addition, subject to the approval of the Alabama Supreme Court, the Board adopts rules for the conduct of members of the State Bar. It has the power to enforce these rules by disciplinary proceedings, including reprimand, suspension, or disbarment. The Alabama State Bar publishes a journal. The Alabama Lawyer, bulletins and other items to improve the educational and ethical standards of the bench and bar. It makes studies and recommendations concerning substantive and procedural law and performs other functions pertaining to the practice of law.
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