Charles Parrish - Auction Brokers & Investors United
Charles Parrish is one of the most experienced and accomplished real estate investors in the nation. If you listen to the radio or read the newspapers, you may have read about him or heard him on the RealSmart talk radio show on which he is a regular expert panelist.
Charles's real estate investment concepts and techniques are taught at universities and professional associations, and are used by auction houses, private investors, and real estate investment firms throughout America. He has participated in real estate transactions of every kind, and his ability to find creative solutions to investment challenges has helped thousands of real estate buyers, sellers, and owners find profits in ways they had not previously considered.
Licensed and bonded, Charles is the founder of Auction Brokers LLC, one of Maryland's leading real estate auction companies. He also serves as CEO of Investors United School of Real Estate Investing, America's oldest school dedicated exclusively to teaching the techniques of proper real estate investing.
Charles maintains a real estate portfolio in several states, and he is always looking for valuable properties and partnerships.
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