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Deuterman Law Group

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From the beginning, the Deuterman Law Group has been a different kind of injury law firm. We are a law firm focused on professionalism, ethics, respect, customer service, and community service.

We have won numerous awards for our ethics, our community service, and the way we treat clients and employees. But our greatest reward is knowing we've helped thousands of injured people and their families have better lives.A law firm is only as good as its people. Our lawyers, paralegals and office staff are the best. We're a small firm, and everyone works hard to make you feel at home and well cared for.

Our referrals are a true testament to our reputation and success. Many of our cases are referred by past clients, other attorneys, doctors and industry specialists. That's because of our excellent reputation for knowledge, honesty, ethics, diligence, attention to detail and results. Ethics, professionalism, customer service, justice, community service. Here, they're more than buzzwords. They're our core values. It's the way we work, and it works well for us and for our clients.

I established the Deuterman Law Group in 2003 because I knew there was a better way to work, to treat employees and to serve our clients. Justice, ethics, professionalism, respect, service and community service are our guiding principles.

Through the years, I've assembled a team of attorneys, paralegals and office staff who believe the same way I do.

In everything we do, we put people first. We never forget that we are dealing with people's lives, not simply cases.

Unlike other law firms, our goal isn't simply to settle cases so we can collect a fee and move on to the next lucrative case. Our goal is justice. For us, winning isn't only about how much money we can get for a client.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
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