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Farmers New World Life Insurance Company

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Established in 1988, my agency has been serving the westside and north valley for well over 20 years. We are a family-run agency and seek to provide all our clients that "old-time small town customer service". In 2004, the City of Albuquerque implemented an automatic traffic camera enforcement program to help combat a very serious red-light violation problem. The program uses "red-light cameras" to attempt to enforce the law fairly and consistently while attempting to reduce violations, prevent crashes, avoid injuries and save lives.

The program has been successful. While the tickets can be costly, they have increased awareness of traffic safety at intersections. The good news is no, the camera tickets do not count against your license and make your rates increase.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon7:30 AM10:00 PM
Tue7:30 AM10:00 PM
Wed7:30 AM10:00 PM
Thr7:30 AM10:00 PM
Fri7:30 AM10:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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