Heggeman Realty Company, Inc.

Heggeman Realty Company has been an active part of the Mobile area real estate community since 1958. The company client list includes many Fortune 500 companies as well as local and regional firms that have utilized Heggeman's services though the years.
Heggeman Realty's base of success has arisen out of the company focus to provide excellence in satisfying the particular needs of clients in industrial and commercial real estate. Heggeman Realty has adopted a team approach where by all partners participate and take part in each and every project contributing their expertise and knowledge as a team rather than an individual effort.
In 1950 B. J. "Buz" Heggeman, Jr. matriculated from St. Louis , Missouri via a golf scholarship to Spring Hill College . After a successful athletic career, and upon graduation, Buz remained in the port city where he founded Heggeman Realty Company. The company quickly became one of Mobile 's leading real estate concerns. Under his leadership, Heggeman Realty has been recognized locally, regionally and nationally for its impact and innovation in industrial and commercial development. The ethics and values taught Buz by his parents and nurtured by the Jesuits at Spring Hill became the cornerstone of his company.Even after Buz's death in 1997, they remain so today.
Bernard J. Heggeman, III
Son of the company's founder, Bernie has been affiliated with Heggeman Realty for 27 years. Educated in the parochial school system in Mobile , he holds a B.S. Degree in finance from Auburn University . His professional affiliations include memberships in the Mobile County Board of Realtors, The Alabama Association of Realtors, The National Association of Realtors, The Mobile Commercial Real Estate Exchange and The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR).
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