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Jeppesen Gray Sakai P.S.

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At Jeppesen Gray Sakai PS, we provide comprehensive legal solutions in the areas of estate law, business law and real estate.

These are not partial, quick-fix answers. Our thorough approach means that we look at the problem in all its aspects - legal, financial, and personal. We then draw upon our knowledge and experience to create lasting solutions that stand the test of time.

A Common-Sense Approach

At Jeppesen Gray Sakai PS, we seek to achieve practical and workable solutions to problems that can be very complex. In our estate planning work for a client with an adult disabled child for example, we will carefully consider all aspects of the client's situation. As attorneys with sensitivity to the unique needs of families, we can develop a solution that provides for the disabled child's needs and enables the client to leave traditional legacies to the other children. Such a legal solution can provide immeasurable comfort and peace of mind to each member of the family.

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