Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC
With the Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC you will always feel right at home, knowing you are represented by an experienced attorney - not a paralegal - who will be with you from start to finish. The Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC works with its clients by advising, preparing documents and agreements, and counseling its clients.
The Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC is proud to represent clients in Brazos, Leon, Grimes, Burleson, Washington and Robertson Counties and all across the great State of Texas. The Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC utilizes technology to ensure that it can represent its clients, be they in downtown Houston or downtown Laredo, in the boardroom or the ranch house.
Make no mistake: the Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC represents a variety of clients across a wide spectrum and does not limit its practice to only the more "rural" issues. We have been known to close on a complex e-commerce transaction at nine a.m., resolve a Home Owner Association dispute at eleven a.m. and form a corporation later that afternoon. Regardless of the subject matter, the Law Office of Stephen Boyd Moon, PLLC is here for your needs.
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