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Lawyergist is a Florida-based company that operates in the legal services market. Lawyergist aims to simplify legal processes for individuals by offering a comprehensive lawyer directory that includes 95% of all lawyers in the United States. Users can easily find lawyers by selecting their state and practice area, such as bankruptcy, divorce, business law, personal injury, etc.

In addition to the lawyer directory, Lawyergist provides a platform where users can ask free legal questions and browse expert articles written by lawyers to gain a better understanding of their legal issues. The company also offers free legal resources for lawyers to help them grow their practices, including sign-in options for legal professionals and a dedicated platform for legal advice and articles.

Lawyergist services encompass various legal topics, including bankruptcy, criminal defense, family law, immigration, and real estate. The company's mission is to connect individuals with the right legal professionals and provide valuable information to help users navigate the legal system effectively.

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