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IMAGINE GOING IN TO TALK with your company's management or another decision maker and saying "We are getting superb legal representation from this firm and they are reducing the time they are spending on their legal activities and, thus, the cost, without undermining that quality of representation." We suspect this would put you in quite a good light with your listener. High quality and efficient legal representation are not mutually exclusive. Markland Hanley can provide you with both.

We are The Technical Litigation Firm for The Twenty-First Century. Our firm combines the attributes that clients are looking for in this century. Our attorneys reflect the make-up of our present society and our firm is the ultimate twenty-first century efficient litigation machine. We utilize the diverse insights of our highest quality lawyers and our extremely organized knowledge at every stage of litigation to destroy our adversary's experts and their technical case. This results in the most cost-effective disposition of the case for the client.

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