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National Real Estate Services

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We completely designed our services to meet the needs of our customers and clients. What does that mean? We initially began as a rental home agency, being the first in South Carolina as a full service rental agent, we represent the RENTER as opposed to the landlord. This allows our commitment to helping our rental clients find homes specific to their needs. As the market has changed, our clients have expressed their desire to buy a home but are not able to in this credit challenged we developed our "Beat the Bank" program, allowing buyers and sellers to meet their needs in spite of the market challenges!

We believe real estate needs are life long, therefore we treat our clients accordingly. Just like you use an attorney or accountant, we believe your REALTOR® should fit in that category as a professional you rely on to guide you in meeting your short term and long term goals, including long term planning. We provide guidance to our clients and assist in planning for the future.

We KNOW how to make good real estate investments and if you wish to acquire investment property, we can create a custom plan based on your specific needs. We are investment experts, we know the market better than any other agency!


We are investors ourselves, we know the benefits of good real estate investments. You never want to rely on an agent who doesn't own investment property of their own.

Our years of experience have taught us the various needs of clients and customers at different stages in their lives. We use our experience to benefit our clients in planning their real estate future.


The dedicated and knowledgeable real estate agents of National Real Estate Services can provide you with the highly specialized information that you will need to make the right decision. Its the combination of this unique market-knowledge and excellent negotiating skills that enable our agents to get you the optimal price for any property you plan to sell or buy. With a professional yet friendly approach, we help clients feel comfortable about what can be a stressful decision.

Trust is hard to come by in today's fiercely competitive real estate market. We are here to provide you with the professionalism and integrity needed to ensure that you feel secure in what can be one of the biggest decisions of your life.

So, whether you are in the real estate market for leasing, purchasing, selling, or can count on our integrity, our experience and our expertise.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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