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Patrick Harper & Dixon, LLP

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The lawyers of Patrick Harper & Dixon, LLP take great pride in providing high-quality legal services across a wide variety of practice areas, including: Business and Corporate Law, Probate and Estate Planning, Litigation, Real Property, Employment Law, Domestic and Family Law, Health Care Law, Elder Law, Criminal Law, and Arbitration and Mediation. Our attorneys are known for their courteous and professional approach to each case. We listen to and embrace our clients' goals, and then tailor our services and efforts to provide the results that they require in a timely and effective manner. We strive to build lasting professional relationships with all our clients. We are proud of our work, and we stand behind it.

At Patrick Harper & Dixon, we aim to be a positive force in the community reinforcing the core principles of trust, respect and integrity which have guided our firm since its beginning. The attorneys of Patrick Harper & Dixon are committed to upholding the highest standards of professional excellence and to providing unparalleled client service.

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