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Pennsylvania Attorney General

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The Attorney General is Pennsylvania's top law enforcement official, with a wide range of responsibility to protect and serve the citizens and agencies of the Commonwealth.

The Attorney General is served by a staff of several hundred prosecutors, attorneys, investigators, agents and support staff in offices across the state,divided into three sections: the Criminal Law Division, the Public Protection Division and the Civil Law Division.

The Criminal Law Division is responsible for investigating drug trafficking, child predators, organized crime, public corruption, insurance fraud and other criminal violations. This division also handles criminal cases referred to the Office of Attorney General by Pennsylvania's 67 District Attorneys or various other government agencies.

The Public Protection Division safeguards the personal rights of the citizens of Pennsylvania and protects the public interest. The Public Protection Division handles consumer complaints through the Bureau of Consumer Protection and the Health Care Section, oversees Tobacco enforcement, Charitable Trusts and Organizations, Antitrust actions and Civil Rights Enforcement.

The Civil Law Division defends the constitutionality of Pennsylvania law, represents Commonwealth agencies, defends the Commonwealth in tax appeals, collects delinquent taxes and other debts owed to the Commonwealth, handles or supervises various appeals and reviews Commonwealth contracts, regulations and bond issues for form and legality.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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