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PGN Agency

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PGN is a results-driven marketing and branding agency, serving our Metro-Detroit neighbors, and beyond, for over 39 years!

There's a truism in marketing that states, "Love us or hate us, but don't forget us." And that's our raison d'etre: to get our clients noticed. We do this through good ole' fashioned passion for what we do, but there's actually a bit of science involved too. Every team member at PGN, from copywriters to graphic designers, employs a formula we live and breath. We tape it to the inside of our lockers and carve it into our desktops. Whether it's, SEO, or design of a mailer, a radio or social media campaign, or a website design for our client, we ask ourselves four simple questions: With 39 years of marketing history of proven success based locally What's our goal? Is our message clear? Is our interrupter powerful? Do we have a call-to-action?

Your business can rest assured that the different areas of expertise all exist in one team and that each level of the process - from the design of the creative to the development of the ad copy - is taken care of and of top quality.

Ask yourself, Why not work with a local advertising agency near me? There is nothing like a good face-to-face meet and greet. Our door is always open!

For brands that aren't sure what their goals are, what their brand identity is, or other material concerns when it comes to advertising, PGN also offers expertise with branding and identity.

Any marketing agency worth their salt can assist with developing a marketing plan, but PGN's years of experience have made us experts. By partnering with us, our clients can rest assured that no matter where they are in the process of advertising to consumers, we develop everything into a finished campaign-or multiple campaigns.

An added benefit of working with advertising agencies is that tracking and metrics are included automatically. The best advertising agencies in Detroit will provide information upfront on how they calculate the success of their various campaigns.

Each marketing channel has its own relevant measures of success for campaigns, and a good agency can and will keep track of them all, providing regular reports.

For businesses of all sizes and types, it is a good idea to partner with a great full-service agency to develop a marketing plan, build a campaign with clean copy and stellar design, and even incorporate branding principles into such areas as company website development and social media profiles.

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Hours of Operation:
Mon8:30 AM5:00 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:00 PM
Wed8:30 AM5:00 PM
Thr8:30 AM5:00 PM
Fri8:30 AM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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