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Pollard and Bagby, Inc

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Pollard & Bagby, a Twelve-Year-Old Firm of Hustling Handlers of City, Suburban and Country Farm Property

The firm of Pollard & Bagby is not one of the "old-timers," in the matter of age. It was established in the year 1894, is composed of young men, and in the twelve years of it existence it has won a position in the very front rank of real estate dealers. Indeed, it is doubtful if there is a firm in the city that does a larger business. Their commodious new office, No. 1102 East Main Street, is one of the largest and best fitted up "realty shops" in the city, or in the state. Pollard & Bagby deal in all manner of city and suburban property and do a large rental business, having as extensive a rental account as any firm in Richmond. They also have a special farm department in which they buy and sell farms in the counties adjacent to Richmond. They also do a large loan business...

The firm is composed of three members, H. R. Pollard, Jr., John Bagby and James J. Pollard - all young men and hustlers in the real estate business...they have been brought up on the business they are now so successfully conducting, and they know it in all of its details from A to Z.

Their sales for the past two years have probably been as large, if not larger, than those of any similar firm in the State of Virginia. For the year 1906, as their books show, Pollard & Bagby's gross sales of Virginia realty amounted to something like a million dollars...with the real estate business in Richmond improving every day, it now looks as if their business for 1907 will run far over the figures made for last year.

The farm sales department is managed by Mr. James B. Barker, who, like the principals is a real estate hustler. The business of this department is confined mainly to the buying and selling of farm lands and country homes in the counties of Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover, Caroline and Louisa. Within the past two years this branch of the business has been very successful, and Mr. Barker has located quite a number of Western and Northern families on good farms in the counties named. In every instance they have introduced good citizens, who are making two or more blades of good grass grow where only one, and that a poor one, perhaps, came up before...

The rental department...has been conducted with such activity all the houses on the long list are now occupied by good tenants.

Pollard & Bagby's office force is made up of polite and accommodating gentlemen, who are not only proficient in the work assigned them, but are gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to do business...

The firm of Pollard & Bagby, when first established twelve years ago, occupied offices on Eleventh Street, but their immense business outgrew that home, and just a year ago they moved into their present spacious quarters at 1102 East Main which was, at great expense, fitted up especially for the real estate business.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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