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Precise Associates

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Precise Associates takes a 360-degree approach to real estate investing. Founded in 2007 by real estate developer Jon Grabowski and real estate financier Gideon Pfeffer, our mission is to provide capital and development services to stabilize communities throughout the US. We believe that the quickest avenue to housing stabilization and eventual appreciation in the current real estate market is to re-establish housing values by reducing the supply of foreclosures in our neighborhoods and encouraging affordable and attainable homeownership. Our goal is only accomplished through the partnerships we have created with other developers, investors, servicers, municipalities, and community non-profits.

Headquartered in Detroit MI, we have offices in Denver, Phoenix, and London. Our in-house real estate development, acquisition, construction, property management, consulting, and portfolio management teams allow us to efficiently invest in any form of residential and commercial real estate ventures. Additionally, we have capital partners throughout the world and it strengthens our ability to perform a high volume of transactions in the hope of meeting our goal more quickly.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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