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Remote Estate Administration Lawyers In Florida

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The administration of a loved one's estate is already a difficult and stressful responsibility. It can become more challenging when you have to administer the estate from another state. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has only complicated matters further by limiting, or even eliminating, travel to administer the estate.

At The Estate Plan, we understand these complications and challenges. We have adapted to the times, and we are ready to accommodate and come alongside you as you handle this stressful and emotionally taxing period in your life.

We are a local, mobile, paperless, and connected law firm in Miami, Florida. We can serve as personal representatives and attorneys. We give clear, nonstop communication to our clients. We have also implemented different tools and software to successfully and safely administer your loved one's estate.

All meetings are conducted via Zoom, and we can easily include you in court hearings over Zoom. Remote signings are accomplished using DocuSign, and we can conduct sworn signings with notaries and witnesses online via Remote Online Notaries. We also utilize a special FedEx account that allows us to share, and via contactless delivery, provide our client and third parties nicely packaged documents to their doorstep. These innovations allow us to work more efficiently and cost-effectively, saving you time, money, and hassle. The tools also allow us to assist and support you in every stage of the estate administration process.

We are able to serve non-Florida residents who have to administer a Florida resident's estate, whether the estate is located in The Keys, South Florida, Central Florida, or the Panhandle. We also work with attorneys in other states, like New York, Massachusetts, Texas, and North Carolina, to complete the ancillary administrations of the estate.

In challenging times, you deserve a firm that will accommodate and support you and your needs. The Estate Plan can help you find solutions with ease.

Have questions about how to get started
on your estate plan or estate needs?

Contact the experienced estate planning professionals at

The Estate Plan
135 San Lorenzo Ave Suite #750
Coral Gables, FL 33146
(305) 677-8489

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Hours of Operation:
Mon8:30 AM5:30 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:30 PM
Wed8:30 AM5:30 PM
Thr8:30 AM5:00 PM
Fri8:30 AM5:30 PM
Notes: None Listed


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