If you've been arrested for DWI in Texas and don't think it's fair, you need a lawyer who can protect your rights and make sure you're treated fairly. More to the point, you need a Texas DWI attorney who knows the drunk driving laws and knows how to get results. With Stephen Hamilton, you'll find an attorney who know the laws --- and does indeed get results! When you come in for a free consultation, I'll show you specifics of what I've been able to do for past clients.
Stephen Lyle Hamilton
I can't guarantee you a result, but I think you'll be interested in seeing my statistics!
With an experienced Texas DWI attorney on your side who knows the drunk driving laws and has been successful in getting results, you'll have a greater chance of a more favorable outcome. Experience in litigation and trial work, research and case preparation, and ongoing DWI training, helps Stephen Hamilton prepare the best case for you.
I understand you're probably confused, angry or fearful about your drunk driving incident. Being arrested for drunk driving, taken to jail, and fingerprinted and photographed can be very dehumanizing. I sincerely sympathize with you. With a DWI in Texas, you're being faced with a charge that can have serious outcomes. Not to scare you, but consider what could be in store for you with a drunk driving charge. If your case goes the wrong way...
- You could lose your driver's license
- Your insurance premiums could dramatically increase - or your policy could be cancelled
- You could face substantial fines
- You could feel an impact when applying for future jobs
- You could face jail time
- Is a DWI case expensive? Consider this...
- A conviction of DWI in Texas requires you to pay a "surcharge" of $1000 a year for three years to keep your Texas driver's license
- A second DWI in Texas will cost you $1500 a year for three years
- If your drunk driving charge is accompanied by a blood-alcohol content of 0.16 or more, you'll have to pay $2000 a year for three years
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