Strep throat is a common ailment which is apparently innocuous but can lead to complications if it is left untreated. Though strep throat mostly affects the young children of 5 -15 years of age, it doesn't spare anyone who is a little careless in the months of fall.
A strep throat is sometimes confused with a condition with similar symptoms called sore throat but actually, they are not same.
It is the scratchy, itchy feeling sometimes occurs inside our throat and snowballs into a painful burning sensation. Strep throat is a contagious disease that spreads from person to person as a bacterial infection caused by a group-A bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes.
Strep throat happens more commonly during winter and fall and makes the rounds when an already infected person sneezes. Droplets full of bacteria fill the air and enter someone's respiratory tract who is nearby.
You can also catch strep by touching something which is touched by the infected person and then rub your face or nose, or by kissing an infected person.
Once infected you are likely to show symptoms from after 2 to 5 days. Strep throat usually isn't serious, but if left untreated it can turn to serious problems such as:
? Rheumatic fever- a disease that can damage the joints,
? Meningitis,
? Pneumonia,
? An abscess around tonsil and behind the throat,
? Kidney problem.
Not treating your strep throat will also make you stay contagious for up to a month and a potential source for the spread of the disease.
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