The Law Offices of Shaun R. Marks, P.C.

If you are facing criminal charges, you know how important it is that you get a Flint criminal defense lawyer that knows how to defend a case in court, or negotiate to reduce or dismiss charges. Not all law firms have the experience or the proven court record that you can find at my firm, Shaun R. Marks, P.C. I have served my clients with personal legal counsel in criminal charges for over 16 years, and I am proud of my impressive court record and exceptional verdicts I have achieved for my clients over the years. If you are caught in the criminal justice system in Michigan, the need for a quality defense lawyer could not be more urgent. The penalties imposed in convictions in our state are very severe, and every effort should be made to defend your case successfully.
Aggressive Defense Counsel
I represent the accused with professional and proven criminal defense counsel in all types of charges including DUI/OWI defense cases, as well as OWI with accident, boating DUI, and minor operating with BAC. I have an impressive court record in driver's license appeals/restoration, defending against a suspended license and other DUI or OWI offenses. I defend young people who are accused of minor in possession, and take on juvenile drunk driving cases with the purpose of protecting young clients and their rights, and take immediate defense actions to protect them from damaging their future. I can help with the expungement of criminal records, as well as defend traffic violations.
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