Wills In Florida

Having a valid Florida will in place is crucial. The will lays out your desires on who gets your property after your death and how they will get it. You can trust that the estate planning attorney listens closely to your needs and concerns before recommending how to draft your will.
After death, your will goes to probate court to establish its authenticity and ensure your directives are followed.
What Happens If You Die Without A Will Or Intestate
Florida law will decide who gets your property and distribution if you pass away intestate or without a valid will. If you own property in Florida, the probate court will divide it among your heirs strictly based on familial connections. Without a will, your closest family members and relatives will automatically become your beneficiaries. Make sure the court doesn't decide these matters for you by creating a will.
What Happens If You Die With A Valid Will
Estate Planning Wills In Miami Date CountyYou can appoint your representative to administer your estate upon your death if you have a will. This person is responsible for gathering and protecting your assets, giving notice to and paying all debts, distributing property to your beneficiaries, and settling any outstanding taxes or other fees.
The representative may retain the services of a probate attorney, an accountant, or other professionals to help with the probate process. The probate court will want to hear from the personal representative regularly. A probate attorney can explain the process to you so you understand it and be able to prepare for it better.
It is recommended to review your will every three years or whenever there is a significant change in your finances, family, or medical status. Florida and federal laws are constantly evolving, so it is essential to update your will regularly.
Choosing the right tools for estate planning is crucial. Various tools are available to protect your assets and legacy when you pass away. Speak with your estate planning attorney to choose which tool suits your situation.
The Estate Plan
135 San Lorenzo Ave Suite #750
Coral Gables, FL 33146
(305) 677-8489
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