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Amelia Grant

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Author: AmeliaGrant

5 Most Common Injuries in Runners

Since running involves repetitive motion with high impact, it can contribute to a host of overuse injuries. Though running injuries are extremely common, you can prevent them by wearing the right shoes, running on gentle terrain, and resting when necessary. Understanding the most common running injuries and their symptoms can help you know how to treat and even prevent them.

When looking at a group of runners, about 30 to 40% will develop at least one of the five most common running injuries. Let’s review the list of these injuries:

1. IT band syndrome 
The iliotibial band (IT band) is the fibrous band that supports the outside of the knee. IT band syndrome is the second most common injury in runners that’s characterized by pain on the lateral side, the sensation of stinging or needle-like pricks, snapping or popping sound at the knee, and the pain that radiates to the hip. IT band syndrome stems from excess stress on the IT band, commonly triggered by the instability of the leg or muscular imbalances. 

To treat IT band syndrome it’s essential to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for leg stability, including the glutes and the hips (especially lateral hips). Improving balance can help you as well. Strength training, yoga, and Pilates might be good ways to promote a balance of strength and flexibility.

2. Achilles tendinitis 
The Achilles tendon is big, and it can take high levels of stress, however, it can be overwhelmed by that stress as well. This injury is common in sprint or hill runners. It’s accompanied by swelling and pain around the tendon. Achilles tendinitis results from overuse where the tendon becomes irritated. It’s typically treated with strength, flexibility, and balance. To relieve pain, ice and rest the Achilles tendon. Stretching the heel and calf area can also be a good option for you. 

3. Plantar fasciitis 
Plantar fasciitis is provoked by the repetitive nature and impact of running and is the most common overuse foot injury in runners. It originates from inflammation or micro-tearing in the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot. 

Resting this injury is difficult because  everyday activity requires standing on your feet. Proper foot and toe stretches can help lessen the pain, as can kneading the tissue with a golf, lacrosse, or tennis ball. You can also try taping the foot, wearing compression socks, and wearing proper footwear. 

4. Runner’s knee 
Runner's knee is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome which affects nearly 30% of runners. It might occur due to problems linked to strength, flexibility, soft tissue mobility, and more. The condition is the result of irritation of the joint between the thigh bone (AKA. the femur) and kneecap (AKA patella). 

Treatment involves strengthening and stretching the muscles around the knee, including the quads, hamstrings, and hip muscles (especially the glutes, and hip rotator muscles).

5. Shin splints 
Shin splints are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome that often occurs at the start of training. These injuries are primarily present in high school running athletes or in runners who have had time off and are entering back into training. Shin splints stem from micro-tears in the muscles that surround the shinbone. 

If shin splints are provoked by overtraining, you need appropriate rest to prevent further injury. Improving flexibility in the calf, hips, ankles, and big toe will allow your leg to move the right way during running and might be helpful at preventing injury in the future. 


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