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Amelia Grant

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Author: AmeliaGrant

6 Tips to Successfully Fight Constipation

Constipation can be quite unfortunate. It may be a chronic problem for some people. For others, it’s a minor issue caused by stressful events, prescription drugs, improper nutrition, lifestyle changes, adisease or surgery. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, it can be treated — you just need to find a proper way.

1. Often, the solution can be quite simple

Severe constipation mostly occurs due to a lack of healthy food consumption, dehydration, or a sedentary lifestyle. So the solution can be pretty simple: get exercise, maintain proper water balance, and implement fiber into your ration (or consider taking supplements) to stay regular. You may achieve results by taking probiotics, too. They can alternate the production of the bacteria in your gut.

2. Make time to move your bowels

Try getting out of bed earlier to have a meal and then try your chances. Food stimulates proper bowel movements, and you’re likely to feel most comfortable in your own bathroom.

Try not to get too comfortable in there- the more time you sit in the bathroom, the higher the degree of strain is. Avoid taking your smartphone into the bathroom with you, or working on your laptop, or reading a magazine. And if you’ll feel the need to go when you’re not at home, don’t hesitate to use the public bathroom. Ignoring the urge can actually worsen the problem.

3. Know when to seek medical attention

Sometimes simple alterations can have no results. If you cannot fix your constipation with treatments or by changing your nutrition, and if it’s continuous, it’s better to get yourself examined to prevent more serious problems in the future. It’s particularly crucial to consult with a constipation specialist if you’re experiencing other symptoms like nausea, exhaustion, pain, or spasms. Constipation caused by opioid medication is a serious issue and should be treated by a specialist only.

4. What’s up with your diet?

Maybe you’ve changed your nutrition recently? Often, radical changes in your diet can result in constipation. For example, if you’ve started to avoid eating fatty products, it’s easy to get constipated. You don’t have to consume a lot of fat containing products, but you require a little to ensure proper bowel movements.

5. Fiber is not always healthy

If you added fiber from  food or supplements and it made you more constipated than previously, there are lots of possible explanations. For instance, in “slow transit constipation,” an issue where the bowel doesn’t move things quickly enough, fiber stays in your system and makes you even sicker. So, if fiber makes you feel ill, avoid having more of it and consult with a specialist.

6. For severe constipation, there are methods

If your problem is serious and doesn’t get better with changes to your nutrition and lifestyle, there are other ways that you can discuss with the professional. A surgical procedure is the very last of them. A wide variety of laxatives are easy to get and you can ask a specialist to prescribe you pro-motility medication. Usually, home remedies can ease the symptoms, too, like dietary veggies or mineral oils to facilitate bowel movements.

The bottom line

Develop a proper diet, reduce the amount of stress in your life, and get more exercise. Make time to move your bowels and avoid straining yourself. Avoid relying too much on the fiber too.

Try simple solutions first, but if they provide no result, you’re suffering for nothing. If you’re experiencing a severe problem with your bowel movements, consult with the specialist to determine the appropriate treatment or recommend a doctor that can help you achieve comfortable bowel movements again.


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