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Amelia Grant

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Author: AmeliaGrant

7 Possible Causes for Abnormal Menstruation

Slight changes in your menstrual cycle every now and there are normal, but if any changes become constant, this is a cause for concern. Every woman is unique and each woman’s body has its unique way to menstruate. This is why the concept of what is normal in menstruation is wide.

No matter if your regular menstruations are heavy and painful or light and not really bothersome, it’s not normal if they have changed. Irregular periods are also not normal. If you notice any changes in your menstruations, may it be their color, frequency, consistency or whatever, make an appointment with your gyno.

The changes in your menstrual cycle can be a symptom of hormonal imbalance, inflammation or another disease. They can be also caused by stress, climate change or medications you take. No one can tell you for sure except your doctor after a pelvic exam and other tests. 

The list of possible causes for abnormal menstruation will not answer all the questions you may have but will help you understand what could have gone wrong. It ranges from gynecological diseases to systemic body disorders.

1. Anemia

Abnormal menstruations and anemia are mutually dependent. Women with anemia often have heavy and painful menstruations. The more blood a woman loses during these days, the worse her anemia gets. This especially concerns vegan women because they lack meat, which is an important source of iron.

2. Thyroid issues

If things are the opposite and menstruation becomes lighter and shorter, this may mean problems with the thyroid gland. This organ is responsible for the body’s metabolism. You should visit a thyroid specialist if you also feel chronic fatigue, mood swings or have gained or lost weight suddenly.

3. Uterine fibroids

These are benign tumors that are usually aren’t dangerous. But if they grow to a large size, they give you painful menstruations, discomfort during sex and lower quality of life. Consult a uterine fibroid specialist if your belly grew bigger and you have severe bleeding.

4. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is an abnormality of endometrial cells that are rapidly growing outside the uterus where they aren’t supposed to be. If you have pain and spotting or even bleeding between your periods, this should be concerning.

5. Anorexia

If you are obsessed with diets and slimming, be careful not to take it too far. Being underweight may cause your menstruations to stop due to a hormonal imbalance created by poor diet. If your menstruations don’t occur for three months, you need more calories in your daily menu and probably a visit to a psychotherapist.

6. Diabetes mellitus

Insulin resistance often makes menstruation disappear. Women with diabetes also react to coming menstruation by an increase of sugar in the blood and discomfort. To compensate, you should eat less salt and products with low GI. 

7. Stress

Stress and emotional breakdown can interfere with your menstrual cycle. It’s difficult to avoid it but all of us should try. Find something that helps you feel relaxed and restored. Regular physical exercises strengthen not only your body but your nerve system as well. 

In any way, you shouldn’t guess why your menstruations have stopped or become heavy. There is always a reason for this, so you should visit your gyno and ask for help.


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