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Amelia Grant

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Author: AmeliaGrant

Everything You Should Know About Ingrown Toenails

If you have ever had an ingrown toenail, then you probably know how it can spoil your plans and daily routine. Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful especially if you don’t treat them in time. In this article, we will tell you everything you should know about ingrown toenails.

What is an ingrown toenail?
An ingrown toenail is a condition in which your toenail (in most cases, a big toe is affected) starts to grow sideways or downwards and punctures the skin. Ingrown toenails can affect both men and women. However, teenagers and the elderly are more prone to develop this issue. 

Causes of ingrown toenails
There are a lot of factors that can make your toenails ingrown. For example, if you trim toenails incorrectly (angling the sides), they can ingrow. People who have sweaty feet are also more likely to develop ingrown toenails. Trauma and curvature of a toenail cal also lead to the development of an ingrown toenail. 

If you tend to wear narrow shoes, they can press on your toenails and make them grow into the skin. Poor posture can also cause additional pressure on your toes and cause ingrown toenails. However, many people have a genetic predisposition to ingrown toenails. This means that they have an arched form of toenails that are prone to ingrown. 

Symptoms of ingrown toenails
In the initial stages, ingrown toenails can develop asymptomatically. Toenails usually grow slowly, and many people don’t know that they have ingrown toenails until symptoms appear. The most common symptoms of ingrown toenails include:
- Pain in the affected area
- Fluid build-up
- Warm skin near the affected area

It is important to understand that without timely and proper treatment, an ingrown toenail may become inflamed. Symptoms of inflammation of ingrown toenails are:
- Skin redness and swelling
- Pus under the ingrown toenail
- Bleeding
- Overgrowth of skin around the toe
- Severe pain that makes it difficult to wear shoes

If you have noticed at least some of the aforementioned symptoms, don’t delay your appointment with the leading podiatric doctor

Treatment options for ingrown toenails
If you already have an ingrown toenail, it is essential to treat it as soon as possible. You can try to cut it on your own if there is no inflammation. Before trimming an ingrown toenail, you need to soak your feet in a foot bath. You can add sap or apple cider vinegar into your foot bath to make your skin softer. 

After soaking your feet, pick an ingrown toenail with the help of dental floss. It is also recommended to soak a piece of dental floss in alcohol to prevent infection. This can help straighten your toenail and make it grow even. But if your ingrown toenail becomes inflamed, it is better to visit a foot doctor. You may need an antibiotic regimen or even surgery to get rid of inflammation and other complications. 

How to prevent ingrown toenails?
To prevent the development of ingrown toenails, you need to pay sufficient attention to your feet. While trimming your toenails, you need to cup them straight. If you are not sure that you can cut your toenails properly, you can get a pedicure in the salon. It is also important to keep your feet clean and dry since wet skin is softer. That’s why toenails can easily puncture it. 

If ingrown toenails occur because of poor-fitting shoes, you need to get rid of them. Shoes should be quite loose and made of natural materials to avoid excessive perspiration. It is also recommended to wear shoes with a steel toe if your ingrown toenails are hereditary or are caused by toenail injury. 


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