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Amelia Grant

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Author: AmeliaGrant

Types of Tea and How They Affect Our Body

China is the homeland of tea. Ancient Chinese manuscripts mention the wonderful properties of this drink more than 4 thousand years ago. It should be noted that the use of tea in those days was very limited because it was exclusively pursued for health purposes. Tea leaves were also used in spiritual practices by Chinese sages to achieve the highest concentration.

In a modern tea shop, you may get confused from the abundance of species and varieties of tea. Tea has amazing aromas and tastes really good. But there are only a few main types of tea. They are determined by the method and degree of oxidation of the tea leaf.

According to the degree of oxidation, there are 6 main types of tea: green, black, white, yellow, oolong, pu-erh. Green tea has the lowest oxidation, black, on the contrary, the highest. The oxidation state of the remaining varieties is somewhere in the middle of the two.

More About Each of Type of Tea

1. Green Tea

This tea has a low degree of oxidation. It has a pronounced herbal aroma, sometimes closer to the smell of dry hay. The taste is a little tart, sometimes sweet. Green tea should not be bitter, as it is a sign about the wrong method of brewing or low-quality tea.

Green tea is considered a natural antioxidant. It consists of polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, and various minerals (manganese, selenium, zinc). Green tea reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, kidney stones, and caries.

2. Black Tea

This type of tea has a high degree of oxidation. Dry tea leaves are black or dark brown color. Infusion - red or dark red. The aroma may have honey or floral flavor. Taste is often tart, but should not be bitter.

Strong black tea normalizes digestion and helps with gastrointestinal disorders. Black tea is known for its antibacterial properties. It is also effectively used to treat dysentery and typhoid fever and promotes the excretion of harmful substances from the body.

3. White Tea

White tea is made from unblown buds of the tea bush and its young leaves. The degree of oxidation of white tea is quite high - it exceeds most green teas. Dry tea blend has a light or yellowish color. Brewed white tea is darker than other green teas. The aroma of floral tea, with a sweet aftertaste.

White tea is called the tea of youth and health. It has a lot of useful properties. Due to the fact that white tea is not subjected to heat treatment, it takes the first place in the content of nutrients among teas. White tea strengthens the immune system, heals wounds, improves blood clotting, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, caries, and tumors.

4. Yellow Tea

It is considered the elite tea. Its degree of oxidation is slightly higher than green. The manufacturing of this tea only uses high-quality raw materials - dense and heavy young buds of medium size. Yellow tea has a special aroma that is not similar to any other tea’s. It has a slight bitterness and a pleasant aftertaste. There are smoked notes in the taste.

Yellow tea contains a large number of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc. Helps relieve spasms and pain after hip or knee injuries treatment, headache, activates the immune system, energizes the body, and improves mental activity.

5. Oolong

According to the degree of oxidation, this tea is close to black tea. Oolongs are divided according to the degree of fermentation, depending on which they acquire a certain taste and aromatic properties. The overall distinctive feature of oolongs is bright rich aromas with notes of flowers, fruit, chocolate, honey, and spices.

Oolongs have a positive effect on the physical and psychological health of a person. They contain a lot of essential oils, as well as a huge number of chemical compounds that are beneficial to humans.

It increases the level of body resistance to diseases and resists the formation of malignant tumors. Oolong tea helps to improve metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, rejuvenates the skin, breaks down and removes fat from the body, thus contributing to weight loss.

6. Pu-erh

The degree of oxidation is high and changes with age. The older the tea, the higher the degree of oxidation. The same tea, depending on age, may be different in taste, aroma, and color. Time favorably affects pu-erh, making it softer and enriching its flavor.

Pu-erh is famous for its beneficial properties in the treatment and prevention of disease. Pu-erh lowers blood sugar levels, improves digestion, removes poisons and toxins, rejuvenates and tones the skin. Puerh is considered to be a slimming tea because it contains a large number of soluble proteins, minerals, and amino acids contributing to weight loss.


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