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Jenna Teacher

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Author: psljennateacher

Bless Me, Ultima Chapters 15-18


Chapter 15/Quince: 177-185
1.      What was the final outcome of the investigation of Narciso’s murder? Do you think this is just?
2.      What do you learn about why Narciso drank and why he felt so loyal to Ultima?
3.      Why do the state policemen bring Tony’s brothers home? Are you surprised that they don’t get into trouble?
4.      Why doesn’t Tony’s father wait until the wind dies down to fix the windmill? Why don’t his sons go and help him? Why doesn’t he ask for help?
Chapter 16/Dieciseis: 186-189
5.      Why does Tenorio continue to threaten Ultima? Do you think that she is behind the illnesses of his daughters?
Chapter 17/Diecisiete: 190-202
6.      What does Tony’s father say about the weather on the llano? How does he explain the bad weather?
7.      How is Florence different from the other boys? Why doesn’t he believe in God? Does he cause Tony to have doubts?
8.      How does Florence’s reasoning about Hell differ from that of the priest? Which do you think is more fair?
9.      Describe in detail the fight between Roque and Willie.
10. The priest tells the children how long eternity is. What metaphor does he use to describe it?
Chapter 18/Dieciocho: 203-216
11. Why do Samuel and Tony decide that Florence should see the golden carp?
12. What happens when the boys make Tony pretend to be a priest? Why do the boys turn on Florence? Why are they so cruel to him?
13. Why does Florence go to catechism but not to confession?
Chapters 15-18/Quince-Dieciocho
Tony is hoping to understand some of the most important questions of life. He hopes that taking communion will lead him to a place where he can find them. List 4-5 questions that Tony wants answers to and that have developed during the novel.


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