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Jenna Teacher

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Author: psljennateacher

Bless Me, Ultima Chapters 19-22

Chapter 19/Diecineuve: 217-221

1.      Is Tony’s first confession what he thought it would be? How does he feel?
Chapter 20/Veinte: 222-235
2.      Why does Tellez come to Tony’s father? After visiting the Tellez family, how does Tony’s father change his mind?
3.      How does Ultima take away the evil from the Tellez house? How is her method connected to the Native American world?
4.      How is Tenorio connected to the Tellez family?
Chapter 21/Veintiuno: 236-242
5.      Why does Cico call the god of the church a jealous god? Is he afraid for the safety of the golden carp?
6.      Why do Tony and Cico decide to tell Florence about the golden carp?
7.      What happens to Florence before they tell him about the golden carp? Do you think this is a happy outcome for Florence or not?
Chapters 19-21/Diecinueve-Veintiuno
You are Tony. Write a memorial to Florence—a memorial poem, a remembrance in your diary, a speech to give at his funeral, or an obituary for the newspaper. DON’T BE LAME. TONY WOULDN’T BE LAME
Chapter 22/Veintidos: 243-262
8.      In his dream, why do you think Tony calls Lupito, Narciso, and Florence his brothers?
9.      Where does Tony spend the summer? Do you think this was a good or bad change for him?
10. What do we finally learn about the first Luna priest? How do you think knowing this might help Tony?
11. Describe the final confrontation between Tenorio and Ultima in detail.
12. Do you think Ultima dies because her owl died or from some other cause? Explain your answer.


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