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Author: psljennateacher

Subjects and Verbs

Subjects and Verbs
The subject tells you who or what does something or exists.
EX: Billy Ray jumped over the black Buick. Billy Ray = subject
Dennis’s mailbox needs a new coat of paint. Mailbox = subject

Circle the subject in each of the following sentences.
1 Dr. Leon Rappoport studies the fear factor in movies.
2 Humans have always liked to explore their feelings of fear and anxiety, according to Rappoport.
3 Frightening movies allow them to master those emotions and work through them.
4 Other psychologists aggress.
5 People like to be scared in the absence of any real danger.
6 Horror films and stories provide opportunities for such experiences.
7 Also, some moviegoers like to explore their uncivilized, antisocial nature in safe settings.
8 Many teenagers, in particular, need to test their tolerance for threatening situations.
9 In addition, parents often declare horror movies inappropriate.
10 Therefore, adolescents want to see this forbidden entertainment more than ever.

The verb tells you the action or state of being of the subject.
EX: The suburban mansion burned to the ground in only an hour. Burned = verb
Simone’s chocolate cake is more delicious than anything. Is = verb

Circle the verb in each of the following sentences.
1. Mr. McKey removes the bugs from house plants.
2.People dislike the feeling of having insects crawling around their homes, according to McKey.
3. Insecticides allow them to relieve their fears and live in peace.
4. Other exterminators have the same opinion.
5. Most people like to feel clean in their own homes.
6. Exterminators provide the feeling of cleanliness.
7. Also, some exterminators explore their hidden love of insects in their work.
8. Often teenage boys feel a fascination toward creepy crawly insects.
9. Teenage girls declare their revulsion for the little pests.
10. Therefore, boys rescue girls whenever a bug or spider is near.


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