Public Relations Strategies and Tactics 9th Edition
There are 6 key words to remember when thinking of the definition of public relations:
• Deliberate: Public relations is intentional and its goal is to influence, gain understanding, provide information, and obtain feedback.
• Planned: PR is organized.
• Performance: ”Effective public relations is based on actual policies and performance. No amount of public relations will generate goodwill and support if the organization is unresponsive to community concerns.”
• Public Interest: PR work is there to help out and organization and the public.
• Two-way communication: ”Public relations is more than one-way dissemination of information materials. It is equally important to solicit feedback.”
• Management function: ”Public relations is most effective when it is a strategic and integral part of decision making by top management. Public relations involves counseling and problem solving at high levels, not just the dissemination of information after a decision has been made.”
Public Relations as a Process:
Research- What is the problem or situation?
Action (program planning)- What is going to be done about it?
Communication (execution)- How will the public be told?
Evaluation- Was the audience reached and what was the effect?
- **Public relations differs from journalism, advertising, and marketing.
“Marketing executives in a 2006 PRWeek survey [ranked] the effectiveness of public relations higher than advertising or marketing in nine areas.”:
• Brand reputation
• Corporate reputation
• Cultivating thought leaders
• Strategy development
• Launching a new product
• Building answers
• Generating word of mouth
• Message development
• Overcoming a crisis
–There are 5 essential abilities one should have if planning a career in PR:
(1.) Writing skills
(2.) Research ability
(3.) Planning expertise
(4.) Problem-solving ability
(5.) Business/economics competence